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Lance Omar Thurman

Press Release, March 5, 2012. Take a photographic journey of remembrance with renowned photographer Lance Omar Thurman’s latest collection – Nostalgia. The exhibit will be on display from March 15 thru April 21, 2012 at 10th Street Gallery. The opening reception takes place on Friday, March 16, 2012, from 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm.
Photographer Lance Omar Thurman, a St. Louis native, will present a collection of work, ironically titled Nostalgia. In traditional terms, nostalgia means a sense of warmth and longing for the good old days. However, as Thurman notes, the Greek root of the word means, “return home, pain, ache.” In those terms, some pieces are fairly haunting in that they capture a time and place that some may want to forget, but are none-the-less a part of our past, and thus our present.
According to Mr. Thurman, “The birth of this exhibit came from a desire to create tangible photographic imagery to compliment the stories of our family and country’s past.” In his effort to pay homage to the “good old days,” the collection of photographs, some of which have never been seen before, serve as a photographic gateway to the past and present. Mr. Thurman adds, “Today I am constantly bombarded with feelings of nostalgia when confronted with many places and things that no longer have the shape or presence they once possessed. But they have rich stories that might be lost if we don't bring attention to them.” He admits that some of these stories have a layer tragedy and controversy, but he intends for them to also represent a spirit of hope.